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The Linden Lamp. Should I? Or shouldn’t I?
I’ve been looking at bedside table lamps for the new apartment. This whole process is fun, exhausting and stressful all at the same time. I’m obsessed with the Kelly Wearstler Linden Lamp. I covet the version with the black base. This lamp is absolutely stunning. It’s large, makes a statement and comes with a big price tag. I loved everything about it until I saw the dollar signs. Hubby might kill me for spending that on a lamp…twice.
Although this look-a-like comes close, there is no true knock-off for this Kelly Wearstler beauty. This is where the decision gets hard. Am I willing to pay for the real deal? Or will an alternative suffice? The jury’s still out. I’ll keep you posted. Or leave me a comment and guide me to a decision! In the meantime, shop my picks for stylish alternatives. Happy shopping!

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